More detailed info

Curative stays for children from areas stricken with Chernobyl’s nuclear accident (Byelorussia, the Ukraine) 

The effects of the Chernobyl’s nuclear accident affected a big part of Europe, however mostly the Ukraine and Byelorussia. The contamination was caused by substances with short and long half-life period, which made it a problem for many generations to remove the effects of the accident. The long-term impact of the radiation is being more and more showed on the health of the whole generation, the incidence of the cancer, various forms of the immune deficit and other illnesses increase distinctly.

The international aid is therefore very important, especially for children. One of many Czech institutions, who helps with its efforts to mitigate indirect effects of the Chernobyl’s accident, is also the civil association Czech-Russian society (till the January 2006 was the name of this association: Eastern Nations Friends Society).

For almost twenty years Czech-Russian society has organized curative stays for children from areas stricken with Chernobyl’s accident in the Ukraine and Byelorussia. Annually approximately 250 children of our compatriots and other children – especially from incomplete families, underprivileged ranks and orphanages participate here. The stays are supported by sponsors and Ministry of Health and Social Security of the Czech Republic, which earmarks on them from the state budget special grant.

The stays have a reconditioned and rehabilitation character (specialized on strengthening the immune system) with educational (related to national history and geography and health wise – preventive) elements. They take place in ecologically clean areas of the Czech Republic, with qualified medical guarantee. Participants are selected by our diplomatic corps in Kiev and Minsk in collaboration with UN Chernobyl’s Fund, or with UNESCO Chernobyl’s program.

The stays are indicated for children at the age of 7 – 14 years. In spite of being born 10 or more years after the accident they are handicapped – not only by prenatal and hereditary disease, low – quality surroundings but also by underprivileged situation and psychologically difficult conditions in which they live for the whole year. Children, who arrive here, have weaker physical constitution, are markedly paler, can easily get tired are more liable to infections, often to recurring most of them suffer from chronic diseases of the air passages, allergies, anaemia, orthopaedic handicaps, disorders of the thyroid gland, but also suffer from insufficient nutrition.

The climatic effect of the curative stay is made complete by quality meals, rehabilitative, recreationally sporting, interest and sightseeing, educational programs provided by specialist in Pedagogy according to rules of gaming therapy and according to the recommendation of the doctors (medical guarantor). Within the support of these programs is also applied musical therapy and playing the flute, which liked children very much. Entry and output medical examinations and a permanent medical supervision of a physician, who consults the suggested program, menu and a drinking regimen for the whole time are being provided.

It has been proven that after participating above-mentioned kind of a stay (especially 3 weeks lasting, not a short-term recreational one) children resist for 6 – 9 months the adverse conditions of their home surroundings.
We welcome all the financial and material aid which will make it possible to extend the number of participants of these stays in the next years and will help to “Chernobyl’s” children to eliminate effects of the nuclear accidents on their health and psychic state.¨

After finishing the curative stays we will send to the sponsors the evaluation of every child, the report of the medical guarantor and expense certified by an independent auditor. We will provide all the sponsors exact presentation and other prearranged forms of presentation.

We believe that you’ll accept our invitation to the co-operation and we thank you in advance to your generous help in our name and in the name of those whom is this aid allocated.

Guarantors of the project

MUDr. Jiří L á z n i č k a   m. p.
Senior Consultant of Children Sanatorium of Ch. Masaryková in Bukovany

Tomáš L u k a v s k ý  m. p.
Chairman of CC CRS

T. Lukavský
Česká rada ČRS
V Závětří 4
170 00  Praha 7

Phone: +420 266 71 12 16


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